ExSTARS and Tax Reporting
Dearman's robust 4030 approved ExStars reporting solution is a fully functional tax inventory system for your 720-Terminal Operator and 720-Carrier Summary reporting needs.
Simplify IRS reporting requirements with Dearman
Dearman is an IRS approved transmitter. Our friendly and experienced staff can assist you with your entire reporting process, from your initial Letter of Application through EDI testing to ongoing customer support.
Dearman's robust 4030 approved ExSTARS reporting solution is a fully functional tax inventory system for your 720-TOand 720-CS reporting needs. Signers using Dearman’s ExSTARS Reporting System use an inventory based front-end application to balance their monthly Terminal Operator or Carrier Data. Once users are satisfied that all data is correct, they may convert their inventory data to the required EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) format for upload to the IRS ExSTARS 4030 Excise Tax System with the push of a button.
Inventory Data can be automatically collected from a Dearman Terminal Automation or Inventory System or manually rolled into the database from a wide variety of source systems. Transaction data may be displayed in detail or as a terminal product balance sheet. The versatile Dearman ExSTARS Reporting System front-end application allows for transactions to be added, deleted or modified directly to the system database. Transactions may also be sorted and isolated by attributes such as a carrier FEIN, transportation mode, product code, etc.
Automatic Data Collection

Manual Upload
When linked to a Dearman TAS.net or RTG system, book adjustment calculations are generated automatically from terminal data, however a manual book adjustment option is available in all systems. Signers are also provided with fully formatted printable IRS forms (in Microsoft™ Excel®) which contain the same data contained in the EDI file generated by the Dearman ExSTARS Reporting System application. Implementation options include stand-alone software license or monthly/annual service agreement for reporting services.
IRS Approved
Data Formatting
Expert Staff
Key Features and Benefits
Clients choosing manual data entry provide position holder, exchanger/consignor, destination state/TCN, and carrier data. This data is automatically reformatted by the Dearman ExSTARS Reporting System application into the required format for EDI transmission
User friendly Excel-based data entry forms provide an easy and convenient structure to record and track all receipt and disbursement transaction data.
Our ExSTARS staff works with terminal staff to ensure that all terminal level product codes are accurately converted to standard IRS product codes.
Our ExSTARS Reporting System coupled with our TAS.net or RTG terminal automation system provides a simple and accurate solution to monthly terminal reporting needs.
Terminal automation systems that provide an ODBC interface can upload all IRS required transaction data directly to our raw data table.
Our knowledgeable staff can assist Dearman’s ExSTARS Reporting System customers in compiling and augmenting data from client inventory systems which do not capture all elements required for Federal and State tax reporting.
Microsoft™ Excel® or flat database sources can be easily rolled into the raw data table for quick EDI conversion.
Entity data can be collected from the existing automation system, other source system, and/or from other EDI tax system data.
Extensive automatic data checking -- format and consistency --- while data is imported. Changes/modifications of data provided are automatically incorporated into the data set and checked for format and consistency.
Balances of data from import sources are compared to final tax inventory balances to ensure accuracy of data transfer and consistency of balance data throughout processing.
Easy to read balance sheets display product inventory values of beginning inventory, receipt total, book adjustment total, disbursement total, ending book, ending physical inventory, and gain/loss by product group.
Flexible application front-end and/or Microsoft™ Excel® data entry forms allow users to add, delete or modify transaction data as needed.
Manual Book Adjustment override and validation check features ensure accurate reporting of product re-grades and transfers.
Product balance sheets for terminal provided on screen for balancing or in a Microsoft™ Excel® report.
Complete log report and error events provided on screen and in Microsoft™ Excel®.
Comprehensive summary report provides detailed analysis, and comparison with inplace accounting reports.
Transaction detail and EDI return provided in Microsoft™ Excel® (data check workbook).
Data is stored in the Microsoft™ SQL Database and reported in Microsoft™ Excel® so all reports include the save/send options available to Microsoft™ Excel®. Partner terminal and carrier reports available upon request.
Fully vetted and approved modules and/or scripts are available for many states now requiring EDI TOR submissions. Please contact us for information on the compliance status for your particular state(s). We are continually adding additional states on an ad-hoc basis.
Dearman’s expert staff has extensive experience in all aspects of the ExSTARS reporting process and is able to assist terminal and/or accounting personnel with everything from LOA (Letter of Application) generation to monthly filing support and error correction.
Optional 8 x 5 remote software support is available.